Students around the world use technology in many different ways. Chanute High School has a different array of technology accessible to its students, some good and some bad. The school has addressed the problem of students getting distracted by going on their phones while school is in session. They have recently had to eliminate this technological use from our school’s environment to help keep the students focused. The school has learned more positive methods to keep the day more interesting without the use of phones. A positive way our school provides technology is through classes available that use video cameras, photography cameras, laptops, TVs, and iPads.
A new way our school has implemented technology is through the sports broadcasting class. Students in this class learn how to live stream sports and get the best shots to make the games more interesting. The students learn how to record and commentate sports; they use technology such as video cameras and microphones. The class videos the most watched sports such as basketball, wrestling, volleyball, and football. This way we make it available for people to watch at home or in their free time.
One of the most used pieces of technology in our school is cameras. Our school offers classes to help students learn how to use cameras and gives them an opportunity to show them to the community. Some examples of these kinds of classes are yearbook, photography class, and our school magazine. We have students at almost every school event taking pictures for their class or club that they are in. This use of technology teaches students a skill that they can use for the rest of their lives.
The school provides all students with their own Chromebooks. They are allowed to take them home and use them for schoolwork. When polled, most students say they use their Chromebooks in all classes throughout the day. Just as students use technology, so do our teachers! Teachers educate students with their school-issued iPads that connect to an Apple TV. This has helped them teach from anywhere in their classroom and let students interact with the lesson. Our school’s teaching heavily relies on technology throughout the school year.

As you can see Chanute High School uses technology in every school setting. We have found ways to implement technology positively throughout our school. The school gives students new experiences by means of its technology programs. Thanks to sports broadcasting, photography, yearbook, and the school’s newspaper, students have been able to broaden their knowledge and talents in the world of technology.